Asian Bird

3 AM Jetlag

Wednesday, January 11, 2012
Posted by TwoLively

It's 3 AM, and I have been awake for a few hours. So, here are some random pictures from yesterday:

1. When you convert dollars into dong, you're an instant millionaire!
2. Our group going into the Snake Zoo.
3. Our group eating lunch at Loc Pho restaurant.
4. The mystery dessert The Travel Agent's Brother bought us. It was a huge fried ball, filled with air. On the inside, on the bottom, there was a glob of sticky goo that looked like melted mozarella cheese. We are assuming it was some sort of rice-based dessert. It looked like it should've been coated with cinnamon sugar--but it wasn't. (Later: The Travel Agent confirmed it was a rice dessert. Can't remember the name though!) 
5. & 6. Tootsie's colorized nature pictures
7. 8. 9. Meaningful Names.



  1. We know what every one looks like show picture where you go places etc.......

  2. I like seeing the faces, so far they are telling me that the food is as questionable as the trip has been to date! ;)


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