Asian Bird

The Crème de la Crème of Fun...

Friday, January 13, 2012
Posted by Tootsie

Just for fun, who can guess the best experience one can have while on the road in a developing country? As many of you know, my tummy and I don't always agree. We had already been traveling over pot-filled laden, scooter infested, wash-board roads and my tummy had HAD it! I finally decided to sit in the very front of the bus, next to the driver in hopes of easing the nausea from the consistent tossing and turning in the very back (where I had been previously).

We arrived at the sand dunes for some sand sliding when what I thought was mild fried rice mixed with the motion sickness and it all caught up with me. Since the rest of our group had started up the dunes, I was left to the mercy of The Travel Agent's Sister. She asked the lady who owned the store we parked in front of if she had a toilet I could use. This lady looked at me like we had asked for her first born and reluctantly told Sister where to take me. This was the equivalent of an alley way with 4 stalls, and I use the term stall quite loosely here, all with makeshift doors. I'm already thinking that this was not going to end well and then I opened the first "door." All that was inside were two bricks and the floor, with a small hole in the corner wall.

You know, it's kind of interesting what looks great to you when you're in a bad way... "Door" number 3 had the actual squat toilet. What a relief! But seriously, who is relieved to see a squat toilet? I hunkered down, was even able to keep my pants on this time, and was also relieved when Sister brought me some toilet paper. It wasn't until later that I found out Sister had to pay 13,000 dong (approx 62 cents) for me to use the toilet and toilet paper! It was worth it in the end, and I even think I've come that much closer to having the thigh muscles to support a good squatting position... Must be due to the bajillion stairs we took up to Giant Jesus today.

LATER: Montezuma happened to nonchalantly mention that a few shops down there WAS a public W.C. (Water Closet -- bathroom!) with real toilets, and running water...but probably not toilet paper! Thanks for the untimely-tip, Monte!

--Tootsie (not Tootie, as previously featured in a typo!)
Since this awkward gem wasn't documented in the blog yet, we thought we'd add it since it somewhat relates to the topic...