Asian Bird

Things We Should've Packed

With hind-sight, here are a few things we'd do differently:

  • pack GasEx
  • pack Dramamine (to knock Tootsie out during the flights!)
  • pack toilet paper (so Tootsie wouldn't have to scramble when nature called)
  • NOT bought ginormous Costco-size bottle of Tums, Immodium, etc. (too big to fit in a purse)
  • bought single-wrap Wet Wipes (like Glinda) -- not a cylinder of Wet Wipes (hard to fit in purse)
  • Carried a back-pack like Tootsie
  • packed more ready-to-eat foods (granola bars, tuna and chicken w/ crackers, canned chicken/tuna, etc.)
  • bought a laptop battery (so I could've blogged enroute on the bus)
  • bought Permethrin pump bottle instead of aerosol bottle (nozzle broke)
  • remembered the list I tediously compiled stating Vietnamese food by names (self-explanatory: ordering off Vietnamese menu would've been easier!)

I believe Glinda mentioned she wished she had dry shampoo.