Thursday, January 12, 2012
Posted by TwoLively
It's our patriarch's birthday today...although at this very moment back home, it's still yesterday, his birthday eve. So, this is a Back-to-the-Future moment right now. We're here to tell the future (tomorrow)...your day is a great one! Happy Birthday from all of us wacky travelers!
We think the problem is on your end...thank you Cox (cutting in and out.) We will try again tomorrow night, around 6:00ish your time. If we get it going, we'll have G&G call your house, the same as today!
Miss you E, R, M! (youngest to oldest--not in order of favorites, ha ha!)
Today (Thursday?) we started off with a leisurely breakfast. In a few minutes, we're going to start our official Bus Tour. We'll be headed to Vung Tau City...the home of Giant Jesus (a statue.) We'll be doin' a little swimming at the beach, too. (I look forward to this as much as one can look forward to, oh, say a gynecological exam. Wearing a swimsuit in public...legs so white they could flash morse code back to the States...oh my!)
See ya later!